趣闻网 >文学 > 原创专区 > 女人 > 领证 > > 说的 > > 一句话 > 情景 > 手机 > > 女人领证后说的第一句话情景会话手机版


未知 时间: 浏览:0
Did you register for marriage ? 你昨天登记结婚了?Yeah ,so strange . 是啊,感觉很奇怪啊。What did your wife say after registering ? 你老婆领证后说的第一句话是什么?She unexpectedly said in a mandatory voice “Mustn’t give your salary to your mother from this month ”。 她竟然用命令的口气说:“从这个月开始,你的工资别再交给你妈了″。Wife and girlfriend are differernt indeed. 老婆和女朋友就是不同啊。The more severe thing was that she said resolutely “Let’s walk home ,thus we can save money ”。 更可气的是她又坚决地说:“我们走回家吧,这样省钱″。Your wife is so thrifty . 你老婆这是持家有道。And something more ridiculous . 还有更荒谬的呢。What else ? 还说什么了?She threw the red certification to her bag and said rudely “It is so expensive to register for marriage ” 。 她一把将本本扔进包里,粗鲁地说“办个结婚证也真是太贵了” 。

