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Red: Love and Romance :爱情和浪漫
One of the most universal of all symbols, the red rose represents true love. It has also appeared Throughout history and across cultures as both a political and religious symbol.

yellow: Friendship, Joy, Get Well 黄:友谊,欢乐和安康
Throughout history, yellow has been closely associated with the sun, making these roses excellent for cheering people up. Yellow roses send a message of appreciation and platonic love without the romantic subtext of other colors. The color represents feelings of joy and delight.粉色玫瑰

Pink: Love, Gratitude, Appreciation 粉:爱,感谢和欣赏
Pink carries with it the connotation of grace and elegance, as well as sweetness and poetic romance.
Dark pink roses are symbolic of gratitude and appreciation, and are a traditional way to say thanks.
Light pink roses are associated with gentleness and admiration, and can also be used as an expression of sympathy.

Lavender: Enchantment, Majesty, Love at First Sight (薰衣草) 紫:着迷 威严及一见钟情
The color purple has a traditional association with royalty. In this regard, shades of lavender roses suggest an air of regal majesty and splendor.

Orange: Desire, Enthusiasm and Passion 橙:欲望,激情和热情
A literal mixture of yellow and red, orange roses were seen as a bridge between friendship symbolized by yellow roses and love represented by red roses. They can be an expression of fascination, or a gift to say 'I'm proud of you.'

White: Purity, Innocence, Sympathy, Spirituality白:纯洁,无辜,同情及神圣

Early tradition used white roses as a symbol for true love, an association which would later become the hallmark of the red rose. Also known as the bridal rose, the white rose is a traditional wedding flower. In this sense, white represents unity, virtue, and the pureness of a new love. White roses are also associated with honor and reverence, which makes them a fitting memorial for a departed loved one.

