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  On Aug. 16th, 1960, long before man had set foot on the moon, military pilot Joe Kittinger took a solo journey to the edge of space, not in a rocket, but a giant helium balloon. He reached 31 kilometers, high into the stratosphere, that’s twice the height that eye reached. Then Kittinger did something astonishing. He jumped. This is the actual moment. (He fell to earth.) reaching a speed of almost 1 thousand kilometer an hour. And yet he could feel absolutely nothing. "I had no ripple of the fabric pressure suit. It was a very weird sensation. I had no visual reference of anything. So I thought I would really suspend in space." Only when he re-entered the troposphere, the low atmosphere, that he experienced the deafenning, the reassuring roar of air rushing passed him. Finally he opened his parachute. His jump remains the longest free fall in history. Just 15 minutes after the jump, Kittinger was back on the ground.

