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An American Idol winner is coming to Bones.
While he wouldn't confirm the date on which she'll appear, nor the role she'll play, series creator Hart Hanson is on record: Jordin Sparks will guest star on an episode this season.
只管对所表演角色跟客串时间心口如一,《识骨寻踪》的创作大家长Hart Hanson却吐露说:第六季美偶冠军Jordin Sparks即将在本季中客串出演。


In an interview with Zap2It, however, Hanson spoke in more detail about three other actors scheduled to stop by the series before season five is over. They'll be...
Patricia Belcher: Will reprise her role as Caroline on the 100th episode. "She's a federal prosecutor, so we just pretend that six years ago she was the federal prosecutor in DC [and we see her doing that]," Hanson said of the flashback installment to come.
Patricia Belcher会持续在100集特辑中继续表演水桶腰大妈Caroline。在当初的剧集里头她的身份是检察官,那么在前传6年前的设定中,她也依然是检察官。
Cyndi Lauper: Said Hanson of her turn as a psychic: "We had her scheduled for the [101st] episode, [but] she's unable to do that so we're yanking that storyline out and the next time she's available, we'll put in her b-story. She's awesome."
至于大歌星Cyndi Lauper,Hanson表示她将连续出演灵媒神婆:“本来安排她会在101集登场,但她档期排不出来,所以只好把她的剧情挪到她有空的时候,插入次要情节咯。她真的很赞!”


Josh Malina: Will appear on the February 4 episode, which finds Brennan and Booth entering a mental asylum. Will play the head of the "loony bin," as Hanson says, adding: "We don't often have guest stars who can be seen throughout the whole episode... but [Malina] plays pretty smart and he plays pretty appealing. And he's a good suspect."
2月4日行将播出的这集中,Brennan跟Booth将进入精神病院考核案件。而Josh Malina则将在这集中扮演疯人院院长。据Hart Hanson表现:“能在一整集里头从头客串到尾的龙套还真不久,但Malina演得真切动人,还是个很不错的嫌疑人哦。”


